You will only be prompted for for authentication about once every 90 days when using the desktop applications. OIT recommends using the Microsoft Office 365 desktop or mobile device applications for access to all these programs. Implementation of multi-factor authentication (MFA) with Microsoft 365 applications - including email - began mid-2020. The university uses Duo to provide additional authentication to prove you are who you say you are before accessing the Microsoft 365 suite of applications from on-campus, off-campus or your mobile device. Only the name changed there are no changes to the applications. Please note: Microsoft changed the Office 365 brand name to Microsoft 365. Sign-in using your university email address and password. You can access O365 applications by logging in at. Offering benefits way beyond programs like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, OneDrive, Outlook and more, Microsoft 365 is a suite of productivity, storage, multi-media and business applications that allows you to collaborate and share your work across campus, Accessibility Best Practices for Remote Instruction.On-Campus and Hybrid Technology ResourcesĬU Secure and Multi-Factor Authentication.
CU Denver Student Computer Labs and Study Spaces